Our Story

How We Met

We met at a Halloween party our Freshman year of college. This wasn't your average costume party where you're bound to see 5 girls dressed as a sexy cat or witch. This particular party, everyone was required to dress as a lumberjack. When I saw John he had a shirt on that read Antartic lumberjack (if you don't get the joke, page me and I'll explain). Anyways, we were introduced by one of my friends I went to high school with and we hit it off. We started dating towards the end of our first year of college and have been together ever since.

The Proposal

It was a week before my birthday and we decided to take a walk around our college campus. During our walk John asked me to guess what he got me for my birthday. I tried for several minutes to guess what he got me and after giving up and telling him that I'd wait for my gift, he then said "I think you should get your gift now" and he dropped to one knee. He started to say "Will you marry me?" but with me crying he was only able to get out "Will you". Even though I never did say "Yes" I think the tears and me nodding my head was enough for him.